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ZENIDOL Gel – 200 ml, Original recipe from Switzerland

El precio original era: €98.00.El precio actual es: €34.00.


    Especificaciones: ZENIDOL




    200 ml


    Petrolatum, Brassica Campestris Seed Oil



    8 opiniones para ZENIDOL

    4.1 fuera de 5
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    1. Esther -

      My bf told me I had red spots on my back. I was completely unaware of them. A little google research led me to believe it was a fungus (gross, I know). I bought this cream since my sources said it would clear up the spots. Sure enough, after only a few days of using this twice a day, the spots went away.

      + PROS: works very well
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    2. Mely -

      es un material estupendo para las infecciones por hongos. Había probado muchos remedios diferentes recomendados para dos zonas problemáticas que tuve durante meses. Ninguno funcionó hasta que conseguí estas gotas milagrosas para aplicar dos veces al día como decía en el tubo. Funcionó tan bien como cualquier medicamento recetado de alto precio que pudiera conseguir.

      + PROS: is great
      Útil(0) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto
    3. Hugo -

      We live in a higher elevation where the weather tends to dry out our skin. Love walking barefoot so this helps tremendously. Put on at night with sock and next morning, my skin feels so much better! Helps with cracked heels! I buy this regularly.

      + PROS: Help
      Útil(0) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto
    4. Nina -

      I am 68 years old and Zenidol is the best foot gel I have ever used. It works very fast. you will not be disappointed.

      + PROS: works very fast
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    5. Walls -

      I used Zenidol 3 days in a row to start. I used it overnight with my socks on. My feet became significantly softer. I saw a thin film of my skin peel off. It was very mild and not severe. I now only use 1-2 weeks for maintenance.

      + PROS: very mild
      Útil(0) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto
    6. Alex -

      I like that I keep my feet healthy with Zenidol.

      + PROS: I like
      Útil(0) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto
    7. Jonas -

      Zenidol really works! Now I can show my feet without fear

      + PROS: really works
      Útil(0) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto
    8. Zenidol -


      + PROS: Mrzí ma, že som dostala tovar bez návodu a v cudzom jazyku
      - CONS: Bez návodu, cudzom jazyku
      Útil(1) No útil(0)Ya votaste esto

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