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VORMIXIL – 60 caps, Original recipe from Switzerland

Harga aslinya adalah: €78.00.Harga saat ini adalah: €34.00.

Hanya 11 tersisa di stok

    Spesifikasi: VORMIXIL






    Kalsium, Magnesium, Besi, Tembaga, Seng, Mangan, Selenium, Kromium, Molibdenum, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1 (Tiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Niasin, Asam Pantotenat, Vitamin B6, Asam Folat, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Vitamin C



    4.5 dari 5
    Tulis ulasan
    Tunjukkan semua Paling Bermanfaat Peringkat Tertinggi Peringkat Terendah
    1. Ann -

      The capsules are easy to swallow and give me energy throughout the day. I have been taking the vitamins for 2 years.

      + PROS: more energy
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    2. Tandai -

      I can’t remember the last time I wrote a product review, but when a product literally saves my sanity and improves my health on the first day of taking it I will spend some time to write a review. I’m going to skip all the unpleasant details, but suffice it to say that I didn’t realize I had this infection until the itchy butt turned into an inability to sleep due to the sensations of the infection. I ordered two bottles of this product, again not knowing what to expect, and luckily, they worked wonders for me. It eliminated any itching and burning I had. I will do the treatment again in a few months.

      + PROS: eliminates all types of parasites
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    3. Steven -

      Every so many years I like to deworm my body because I always feel better after the treatment. Many years ago when I used to have dogs when they were puppies, or adult dogs, they always got dewormed, so it makes sense for adults to get dewormed too. I hope this product is always available. Its tastes really good. This product does work and I would recommend it. From, A happy customer

      + PROS: really good
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    4. Caroline -

      Vormixil worked fast (within a few hours), no more itching or discomfort at night…. I am very glad it is available on the internet at a reasonable price.

      + PROS: work fast
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    5. Sandra -

      Vormixil is exactly what it claims to be and works exactly as advertised.

      + PROS: works
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    6. Jerson -

      my doctor recommended that I take Vormixil every day. I must say that I have more energy when I take this multivitamin daily, so I highly recommend this brand, Inchealth.

      + PROS: highly recommend this brand
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