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PROSTONEL – 60 caps, Receita original da Suíça

O preço original era: €49.00.O preço atual é: €24.00.

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    Especificação: PROSTONEL






    L-Arginina, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Maca, Cacau, Vitamina C, Vitamina B1, Vitamina B2, Vitamina B3, Vitamina B5, Vitamina B6, Vitamina B12, Ácido fólico, Biotina, Vitamina E, Selénio, Zinco



    7 revisões para PROSTONEL1T

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    1. Carlos

      I was urinating every 2 hours. Difficult to sleep or travel. Now I can go 5 to 6 hours before I have to urinate. Thanks to this amazing supplement, I feel so much better!

      + PROS: amazing supplement
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    2. Ramon

      Taken daily these have helped with my nightly visits to the bathroom. Steadier flow and not stopping and going less dribbling.

      + PROS: works well
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    3. Elisa

      I recently turned 50 and was getting up in the middle of the night MULTIPLE TIMES, to empty my bladder and now, I am back to needing to go when I first wake up only!

      + PROS: good for me
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    4. Sergio

      After the first Prostonel pill I took, I noticed a lot of improvement and felt my bladder emptying for the first time in a long time. Now on my fifth day, I sleep without getting up to go to the bathroom. ¡¡¡¡So far so good!!!!

      + PROS: so good
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    5. Ralph

      So far Prostonel seems to be helping me. I like them better than the traditional hard to digest pills. I think they do their job and reduce the urge to go to the bathroom.

      + PROS: seems to help a lot
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    6. Vicent

      love Prostonel as i can now stop using depends at night. my urine flow i much better and complete so i dont have to get up 4 times a night to go to the bathroom

      + PROS: love
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    7. Sam

      I tried Prostonel for awhile, and they seem to help. I feel like they help with not having as many day time trips. Nice blend of ingredients and dosages. No issues with overnight, so can not comment on that.

      + PROS: seem to help
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